- ABKLEX je slovník zkratek z oboru informatiky a telekomunikací.
- Obsahuje výběr asi 12 800 zkratek v anglickém, německém a francouzském jazyce.
- Zkratky jsou rozepsány v originální podobě.
- Nerozlišuje se přesně psaní velkých a malých písmen.
- Případná ochranná známka u příslušné zkratky není v seznamu vyznačena.
- Copyright © Wulf Alex, Karlsruhe, 1994, 1999–2011
- Foto: © Radim Sochorek
- Stav: 01.01.2008
E Electronic, End, Enhanced, European, Extended E2EG Ear To Ear Grin (Slang) E2U E.164 To URI EA Effective Address EA Eingabe/Ausgabe, E/A EA Emulsion Aggregation EA Extended Address/Attribute EAC Election Assistance Commission, USA EAC European Activities Committee EAC Exact Audio Copy EAC Extended Access Control EACEM European Association of Consumer Electronics Manufacturers EAD Encoded Archival Description (Format) EAD Ethernet-Anschlussdose EAI Enterprise Application Integration EAIM European Alliance for Information Management EAL Evaluation Assurance Level EAM Electronic Accounting Machinery EAN European Advanced Networking (Protocol) EAN European Article Number EAN Extragalactic Area Network EANCOM EDIFACT-Subset Konsumwirtschaft EANTC European Advanced Networking Test Center EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol EAPOE Extensible Authentication Protocol Over Ethernet EAPOL Extensible Authentication Protocol Over LAN EAPS Ethernet Automatic Protection Switching EAR Eavesdrop And Register EAR Elektro-Altgeräte Register EAR Enterprise Archive EAR External Access Register EARBA Enhanced Adaptive Rate Based Algorithm EARN European Academic Research Network EAROM Electrically Alterable Read Only Memory EARS Electronic Access to Reference Services EARS Electronic Authoring and Routing System EARS Explicit Archive and Retrieval System EAS Electronic Authorization System EAS Enterprise Agreement Subscription EAS Extended Area Service EASA European Academic Software Award EASKT Einzelanschluss-Konzentrator EATA Enhanced AT Bus Attachment EAWR Eingabeauswahlknotenregister EAX Environmental Audio Extensions EAZ Endgeräteauswahlziffer (ISDN) EBASIC Extended BASIC EBC EISA Bus Controller EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (IBM) EBCOT Embedded Block Coding with Optimized Truncation EBCT Electron Beam Computed Tomography EBD Emergency Boot Disk EBI Equivalent/Extended Background Input/Investigation EBL Electronic Bearing Line EBM Electronic Bearing Marker EBNF Erweiterte (Extended) Backus-Naur-Form EBONE European Backbone EBP Electronic Bill Presentmet EBP Elektronisches Briefpapier EBP Extended Base Pointer EBPNN Error Back Propagation Neural Network EBPP Electric Bill Presentment and Payment EBR Excessive Burst Rate EBR Extended Boot Record EBS Event Based Sampling EBT Electronic Benefits Transfer EBTF European Banking Technology Fair EBU European Broadcasting Union EBV Elektronische Bildverarbeitung EBX Electronic Book Exchange EBXM Electronic Business XML EC Echo Cancellation EC Educational Computer EC Electronic Cash/Commerce EC End Chain EC Error Control EC European Community EC Evolutionary Computing EC Exchange Carrier EC Executive Commitee ECA Event, Condition, Action ECAD Electronic Computer Aided Design ECAL Enjoy Computing And Learn ECAS Exchange Card Architecture Specification ECAT Electronic Card Assembly and Test ECB Electronic Code Book ECB Event Control Block ECBS European Committee for Banking Standards ECC Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem/Cryptography ECC Enter Cable Change ECC Error Check/Correction Circuit/Code ECC Error Checking and Correcting ECCC Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity ECCN Export Control Classification Number ECCOS Electronic Card Catalog + Ordering System ECD Enhanced Colour Display ECD Enhanced Compact Disc ECDH Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman ECDL European Computer Driving License ECDLP Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem ECDSA Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm ECDT Embedded Controller Boot Resources (Description) Table ECF Enhanced Connectivity Facility ECG Electronic Content Guide ECHO European Community Host Organisation ECI Europäisches Computer Informationszentrum, Bonn ECI External Call Interface ECIN Electronic Commerce Info Net ECIS European Committee for Interoperable Systems ECL Emitter Coupled Logic ECL Execution Control List ECLF Extended Log File Format ECM Electronic Control Module ECM Enhanced Coprocessor Mount ECM Enterprise Content Management ECM Entity Connection/Coordination Management ECM Error Correcting/Correction Mode ECMA European Computer Manufacturers Association ECN Electronic Communications Network ECN Explicit Congestion Notification ECNE Enterprise Certified NetWare Engineer (Novell) ECO Electron Coupled Oscillator, Electronic Commerce Forum ECODU European Control Data Users Group ECOOP European Conference on Object Oriented Programming ECP Enhanced/Extended Capabilities Port (Microsoft) ECP Excessive Cross-Posting ECPA Electronic Communications Privacy Act ECR Efficient Consumer Response ECRC European Computer Industry Research Centre ECRIT Emergency Context Resolution with Internet Technologies ECS Embedded Computing System ECS Encryption Control Signal ECS Enhanced Chip Set ECS European Common Standard ECS European Communications Satellite ECSD Enhanced Circuit Switched Data ECSI European Custom Systems Integration ECSS Exalted Carrier Single Sideband ECTF Enterprise Computer Telephony Forum ECTL Electronic Communal Temporal Lobe ECU EISA Configuration Utility ED Edge Device ED End Delimiter ED Erase Display ED2K EDonkey2000 EDA Electronic Design Automation EDA Embedded Document Architecture EDA Event Driven Architecture EDA Explorative Datenanalyse EDAB Extended Digital Audio Broadcasting EDAC Error Detection And Correction EDAP Extraordinary Data Availability and Protection EDB Embedded Data Base EDC Electronic Digital Computer EDC Enhanced Data Correction EDC Error Detection and Correction EDC Error Detection Code EDCA Enhanced Distributed Channel Access EDCF Enhanced Distributed Coordination Function EDD Enhanced Disk Drive EDDC Extended Distance Data Cable EDE Encrypt Decrypt Encrypt EDF Earliest Deadline First EDFA Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier EDG Electronic/Email Discussion Groups EDG Environmental Data Gathering EDG Environmental Database Gateway EDG EOS Data Gateway EDG European Data Grid EDGAR Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval EDGE Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution EDGE Explicit Data Graph Execution EDI Electronic Data/Document Interchange EDIBDB EDIFACT-Subset Baumärkte EDID Extended Display Identification Data EDIFACT Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport (UN, DIN) EDIFICE EDIFACT-Subset Elektroindustrie EDIFURN EDIFACT-Subset Möbelindustrie EDIOFFICE EDIFACT-Subset Bürobedarf EDITEX EDIFACT-Subset Textilindustrie EDL Edit Decision List EDL Encapsulator/Enterprise Definition/Description Language EDLC Ethernet Data Link Control EDM Engineering Data Management EDMS Electronic Document Management System EDMS Enterprise Desktop Management Services EDO Enhanced/Extended Data Out/Output (DRAM) EDOC Electronic Document EDOC Enterprise Distributed Object Computing EDP Electronic Data Processing EDP Enhanced Dot Pitch EDPM Electronic Data Processing Machine EDPS Electronic/Enhanced Data Processing System EDR Enhanced Data Rate EDR External Developer Relaease EDRAM Enhanced Dynamic Random Access Memory EDS Electronic DIP Switch EDS Elektronisches Datenvermittlungssystem EDS Experimental Distributed System EDSAC Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator EDSI Enhanced Small Device Interface EDSL Ethernet Digital Subscriber Line EDSRA Earth Data System Reference Application EDSS European Digital Subscriber System EDTV Enhanced/Extended Definition Television EDU educational; Internet-Domain: Universitäten in USA EDV Elektronische/Experimentelle Daten-Verarbeitung EDVA Erbium doped Fiber Amplifier EDVAC Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer EE Electronic/Extended Edition EE Endeinrichtung EEC Extended Error Correction EEDID Enhanced Extended Display Identification Data EEE Energy Efficient Ethernet EEEPROM Emulated Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory EEFL External Electrode Fluorescent Lamp EEHLLAPI Entry Emulator HLLAPI EEHO Either End Hop Off EEL Epsilon Extension Language EEM Extended Memory Management EEMA European Electronic Messaging Association EEMAC Electrical + Electronic Manufacturers of Canada EEMS Enhanced Expanded Memory Specification/Support EEP Equal Error Protection EEPAL Electrically Erasable Programmable Array Logic EEPI Electronic Entertainment Policy Inititative EEPLD Electrically Erasable Programmable Logic Device EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory EES Escrowed Encryption Standard EESA Enterprise Extensions SMART Accessed EF Externer Fehler EFA Extended File Attribute EFAC Extended File Access Control EFCI Explicit Forward Congestion Identification EFF Electronic Frontier Foundation EFI Electromechanical Frequency Interference EFI Electronics For Imaging EFI Extensible Firmware Interface EFIP European Federation of Interconnection and Packaging EFISC Enhanced Fast Instruction Set Computer EFL Emitter Follower Logic EFLA Extended Four Letter Acronym EFM Eight-by/to-Fourteen Modulation EFR Enhanced Full Rate EFRC Enhanced Full Rate CODEC EFS Electronic Filing System EFS Encrypted File System EFS Enhanced/Extent File System EFS Enhanced/Episode/Encrypted/Encrypting/Enterprise File System EFS Extended File (Name) Server EFS Extent File System (IRIX) EFT Electronic Funds Transfer EFT Euro File Transfer EFTP Easy File Transfer Protocol EFTS Electronic Funds Transfer System EFUe Emissionsdaten-Fernübertragung EG Evil Grin (Slang) EG Exterior Gateway EGA Enhanced Graphics Adaptor/Array EGC (Inmarsat) Enhanced Group Call EGD Entropy Gathering Daemon EGEE Enabling Grids for E-Science in Europe EGG Gesetz zum Elektronischen Geschäftsverkehr EGK Elektronische Gesundheitskarte (eGK) EGL Embedded-Systems Graphics Library EGL Enterprise Generation Language EGN Einzelgebührennachweis EGNOS European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System EGP Exterior Gateway Protocol (Internet) EGPCS Environment, GET, POST, Cookies, Server EGPE Extended Generalized Programming Environment EGPRS Enhanced General Packet Radio Service EGW Edge Gateway EHCI Enhanced Host Controller Interface EHF Extremely High Frequency EHKP Einheitliches höheres Kommunikationsprotokoll EHLLAPI Emulator High Level Language Application Programming Interface EHR Electronic Health Record EHS European Home System EHSA European Home Systems Association EIA Electronic Industries Alliance, USA EIAJ Electronics Industry Association of Japan EIB European Installation Bus EIBA European Installation Bus Association EIBIEM Enhanced Interactive Business Integrating Environment Manager EICAR European Institute for Computer Anti-Virus Research EICTA European Information, Communications + Consumer Electronics Industry Technology Association EID Electronic Identity EID Electronic Information Display EIDE Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics EIDP Electronic Information Developers Program EIES Electronic Information Interchange System EIES European Information Exchange Service for the Communication between Harbour Areas EIFS Extended Inter Frame Space EIGRP Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol EIM Electronic Image Management EIMS Eudora Internet Mail Server EIN European Informatics Network EIP Enterprise Informational Portal EIP Extended Instruction Pointer EIP Extended IP (Internet) EIR Equipment Identity Register EIRP Effective/Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power EIS Electronic/Employee/Emergency Information Services/System EIS Enterprise/Executive/Expert Information System EISA Extended Industry Standard Architecture EISS Europäisches Institut für Systemsicherheit EIST Enhanced Intel Speedstep Technology EIT Event Information Table EITI European Interconnect Technology Initiative EITO European Information Technology Observatory EIUF European ISDN User Forum EIV Encryption Initialization Vector EJB Enterprise Java Beans EJO Electronic Journal Online EK Editor Kit EK Event Kernel EKT Envelope-Kanal-Teiler EKTS Electronic Key Telephone Service/Sets EL Electroluminiscent (Display) EL Elevation EL Embedded Linux EL Erase Line ELAN Educational/Elementary Language ELAN Emulated Local Area Network ELANC Enhanced Local Area Network Controller ELC Embedded Linking and Control ELC Embedded Linux Consortium ELD Electroluminescent Display ELD Electronic License Distribution ELEC Embedded Linux Expo + Conference ELEC Enterprise Local Exchange Carrier ELF Executable and Linkable/Linking Format ELF Extremely Low Frequency ELFEXT Equal Level Far End Crosstalk ELFF Extended Log File Format ELGA Elektronische lebenslange Gesundheitsakte ELKS Embeddable Linux Kernel Subset ELM Electronic Mail (system) ELOD Erasable Laser Optical Disk ELOS Electro Optical Synergy ELOS Embedded Lightweight Operating System ELP Education License Program ELS Entry Level System ELSA Enhanced Linux System Accounting ELSPA European Leisure Software Publishers Assosciation ELSTER Elektronische Steuer-Erklärung ELT Emergency Locator Transmitter ELV Electronic/Extra Low Voltage ELV Elektronisches Lastschriftvefahren ELWIS Elektronisches Wasserstrassen-Informationssystem für die Binnenschifffahrt EM Electronic Mail EM End of Medium EM Expanded Memory EMA Electronic Mail Association EMA Enterprise Management Architecture (DEC) EMAC European Market Awareness and Education Committee EMACS Editing Macros (GNU) EMACS Escape-Meta-Alt-Control-Shift (Slang) EMAIL Electronic Mail EMAS Edinburgh Multi-Access System EMB Enhanced Master Burst EMB Extended Memory Block EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC Electronic Mail Connection EMC Extended Math Coprocessor EMCC Eckert-Mauchly Computer Company EME Earth – Moon – Earth (Connection) EME Electromagnetic Environment EMEA Europe, Middle East, and Africa EMEA European Medicinal Evaluation Agency, London EMF Electromagnetic Field/Force EMF Enhanced Meta File EMFBI Excuse Me For Butting In (Slang) EMFIS Emerging Markets Financial Services EMHS Electronic Message Handling Systems EMI Electric + Musical Industries EMI Electromagnetic Interference EMI External Memory Interface EML European Media Lab, Heidelberg EMM Enterprise Mail Manager EMM Expanded Memory Manager EMP Electromagnetic Pulse EMP Excessive Multi-Posting/Multiple Posting EMPA Eidgenössische Materialprüfungs- und Forschungsanstalt EMR Electromagnetic Radiation EMR Electronic Mail Registration EMR Enhanced Metafile Record EMS Electronic Mail System EMS Electronic/Enhanced Message Service EMS Energy Management System EMS Enhanced Messaging Service EMS Expanded Memory Specification EMSAPI Extended Messaging Services Application Programming Interface EMSEC Emanations Security EMSEC Embedded Security (group), UCLA EMT Embedded Management Tool EMUG European MAP Users Group EMV Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit EMVG Gesetz über die elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit von Geräten EMVU Elektromagnetische Veträglichkeit zur Umwelt EMX Enterprise Mail Exchange EN End Node EN European Norm ENA Electronic Networking Association ENCMM Ethernet Network Control + Management Module ENDEC Encoder/Decoder ENDF Evaluated Nuclear Data File ENDS Ends Segment ENFIA Exchange Network Facilities For Interstate Access ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer ENITH European Network for Information Technology in Human Services ENL European Network Laboratories ENP Ethernet Node Processor ENQ Enquiry ENS Enterprise Network System/Services/Switch ENSS European Navigation Satellite System ENSS Exterior Nodal Switching Subsystem (Internet) ENUM (T)Elephone Number Mapping EO Electro Optical EO Europe Online EOA End Of Address EOB End Of Block EOC Embedded Operations Channel EOC End Of Character/Conversion/Cycle EOD End Of Data EOD End Of Discussion (Slang) EOF End Of Field/File/Flame EOF Enterprise Objects Framework EOI End Of Image/Interrupt EOI End Or Identify EOJ End Of Job EOL End Of Life/Line/List EOL Europa Online EOM End Of Message/Meckerei EOM Erasable Optical Memory EON Enhanced Information Concerning Other Networks EOP End Of Page/Partition EOR End Of Record EOR Exclusive Or (auch: XOR) EOS Educational Online Sources EOS Electro Optical System (Canon) EOS End Of String EOS Error Correction Code On SIMM EOSAT Earth Observation Satellite EOSDIS Earth Observing System Data and Information System (NASA) EOT Embedded Open Type EOT End of Tape/Transaction/Transmission/Table/Text EOTC European Organization for Testing and Certification EOU Ease Of Use EOU End Of User EOUG European Oracle Users Group EPA Environmental Protection Agency, USA EPA Europäisches Patentamt, München EPA Execution Path Analysis EPAC Enhanced Perceptual Audio Coding EPC Electronic Product Code EPEAT Electronics Product Environmental Assessment Tool EPG Electronic Program Guide EPI Execute Programmer Immediately (Slang) EPI External Presentation Interface EPIC Electronic Privacy Information Center EPIC Explicitly Parallel Instruction (Set) Computing EPIRB Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon EPL Effective Prvilege Level EPLD Electronic/Erasable Programmable Logic Device EPM Enterprise Process Management EPMAP Electronic Publishing Mapping Project EPO Emergency Power Off EPO Entry Point Obscuring EPP Enhanced Parallel Port EPP Ethernet Packet Processor EPPT European Printer Performance Test EPRCA Enhanced Proportional Rate Control Algorithm EPRML Enhanced Partial Response Maximum Likelihood EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory EPS Electronic Publishing System EPS Encapsulated Postscript EPS Enterprise Parallel Server (HP) EPSCS Enhanced Private Switched Communications Service EPSF Encapsulated Postscript File Format EPSI Encapsulated Postscript Interchange Format EPSMA European Power Supply Manufacturers Association EPSR Ethernet Protection Switching Ring EPSS Experimental Packet Switching Service EQ Equalizer ER Entity Relationship ER Explicit Rate ER Externer Rechner ERA Elementarer/Eingeschränkter Regulärer Ausdruck ERA Extended Registry Attribute ERAS Electronic Routing and Approval System ERBIS Einheitliches Rechnerunterstütztes Betriebsführungssystem ERC European Radiocommunication Committee ERC Explicit Route Control ERC External Relations Committee ERCIM European Research Consortium for Informatics and Applied Mathematics ERD Emergency Repair Disc ERD Entity Relationship Diagram ERE Extended Regular Expression ERESC European Register of Stolen Computers EREW Exclusive Read, Exclusive Write (PRAM) ERG European Regulators Group ERI Emergency Recovery Information ERIC Educational Resources Information Center, USA ERL Echo Return Loss ERLL Enhanced Run Length Limited ERM EMC and Radio Matters ERM Entity/Enterprise Relationship Model ERMA Electronic Recording Method, Accounting (General Electric) ERMES European Messaging System ERMES European Radio Message Service/System ERN Explicit Route Number ERO European Radiocommunications Office EROM Erasable Read Only Memory ERP Effective Radiated Power ERP Endpoint Routing Protocol ERP Enterprise Resource Planning ERR Error ERU Emergency Recovery Unit/Utility ES Elektronische Signatur ES Elemnetary Stream ES Endsystem, End System ES Enhanced Security ES Expanded Store ES Extra Segment ESA Enterprise System Architecture ESA European Space Agency ESATA External Serial ATA ESB Einseitenband, Single Side Band ESB Enterprise Service Bus ESC Electronic Support Center/Centre ESC Escape ESC European Support Center (Novell) ESCD Extended Setup/System Configuration Data ESC/I Epson Standard Code for Image Readers ESC/P Epson Printer Language ESCM Extended Services Communications Manager ESCON Enterprise Systems Connection (Architecture) (IBM) ESD Electronic Software Distribution ESD Electronic System Design ESD Electrostatic Discharge ESD Emergency Shutdown Device ESD Emergency Startup Disk ESD Entry Systems Division ESDA Electronic System Design Automation ESDC Extra Segment Descriptor Cache ESDI Enhanced Small/System Device Interface ESDP Enhanced Service Discovery Profile ESDRAM Enhanced Synchronous Dynamic RAM ESE Ethernet Switching Engine ESE Expert System Environment ESE Extensible Storage Engine ESF Eureka Software Factory ESF Extended Superframe Format ESG Earth System Grid ESH End System Hello PDU ESHG Elektrische Systemtechnik für Heim und Gebäude ESI Electrostatic Interference ESI End System Identifier ESI Enhanced Serial Interface ESI European Software Institute ESI External Systems Interface ESIG European SMDS Interest Group ESIS End System to Intermediate System Protocol (OSI) ESM Enterprise Security Manager ESM Ethernet Switching Module ESMR Enhanced Specialized Mobile Radio ESMS European Satellite Multimedia Services ESMTP Extended Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (Internet) ESN Electronic Serial Number ESOC European Space Operation Centre ESOSL Endless Snorts Of Stupid Laughter (Slang) ESP Early Support Program ESP Electronic Shock/Skip Protection ESP Encapsulating Security Payload ESP Enhanced Serial Port ESP Enhanced Service Provider ESP Enterprise System Platform ESP Eudora Sharing Protocol ESP Extended Stack Pointer ESPRIT European Strategic Programme for Research in Information Technology ESR Equivalent Series Resistance ESR Event Service Routine ESRO Efficient Short Remote Operations ESS Electronic Switching System ESS Enterprise Storage Server (IBM) ESS Environmental Stress Screening ESS Extended Service Set ESSID Extended Service Set Identifier ESTSC Energy Science + Technology Software Center ESU Electrostatic Unit ESUG European Smalltalk Users Group ESV Elektronikschrottverordnung ETA Estimated Time of Arrival ETACS Extended Total Access Communication System ETANN Electrically Trainable Analog Neural Network (Intel) ETB End of Transmission Block ETC Electronic Toll Collection ETC Enhanced Throughput Cellular (modem protocol) ETD Estimated Time of Departure ETDD Electrical Time Division Demultiplexer/Demultiplexing ETDM Electrical Time Division Multiplexer/Multiplexing ETE Entry to Exit ETF Enriched Text Format ETFTP Enhanced Trivial File Transfer Protocol ETI Extended Terminal Interface ETL Extract, Transform, Load ETM Exchange Telephone Manager ETN Electronic Tandem Network ETNS European Telephony Numbering Space ETOL Evil Twin On Line (Slang) ETOM Electron Trapping Optical Memory ETOX EPROM Tunnel Oxide ETR Early Token Release ETRN Extended Turn (command) ETS EIB Tool Software ETS Electronic Tracking System ETS European Telecommunication Standard ETSA European Telecommunication Services Association ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute ETX End of Text EU Elektronische Unterschrift EU Execution Unit EUC Enhanced/Extended UNIX Code EUCIP European Certification of IT Professionals EUD Extended U-shape Cell Device EUDC End User Defined Character EUI End User Interface EUI Extended Unique Identifier EULA End User License Agreement EUNET European UNIX Network EUROPEN Dachverband europäischer UNIX-Anwendervereinigungen EUUG Extragalactic/European Unix User Group EUV Extreme Ultra Violet (Lithography) EV Etagenverteiler EV European Videotelephony EVA Eingabe, Verarbeitung, Ausgabe EVA Elektronische Fahrplan- und Verkehrsauskunft EVA Elektronischer Verkehrslotse für Autofahrer EVA Elektronisches Volltext-Archiv, Karlsruhe EVA Empfangs- und Verteilanlage EVA Enhanced Video Adapter EVAS EDV-gestütztes Vereins-Administrations-System EVD Enhanced Versatile Disc EVE European Video Telephony EVE Exklusiver Verzeichnis-Eintrag (Datex-J) EVGA Extended Video Graphics Array/Adapter EVL Electronic Visualization Laboratory, Chicago EVM Embedded Virtual Machine EVMS Enterprise Volume Management System EVN Einzelverbindungsnachweis EVO Elektro-Schrott-Verordnung EVP Enhanced Virus Protection EVR Enhanced Video Renderer EVS Event Service (OSF) EVU Elektrizitäts-/Energieversorgungsunternehmen EWOS European Workshop on Open Systems (OSI) EWS Employee Written Software (IBM) EWSD Elektronisches Wählsystem, digital EWSM Elektronisches Wählsystem für MANs EWSP Elektronisches Wählsystem für Paketvermittlung EWTS Enterprise Web Training System EXAPT Extended Subset of APT EXCA Exchangeable Card Architecture EXCH Exchange EXFCB Extended File Control Block EXIF Exchangeable Image File Format EXM Enterprise Messaging Exchange EXP Exponent EXT External EXTRN External Reference EXUG European X User Group EZV Elektronischer Zahlungsverkehr