- ABKLEX je slovník zkratek z oboru informatiky a telekomunikací.
- Obsahuje výběr asi 12 800 zkratek v anglickém, německém a francouzském jazyce.
- Zkratky jsou rozepsány v originální podobě.
- Nerozlišuje se přesně psaní velkých a malých písmen.
- Případná ochranná známka u příslušné zkratky není v seznamu vyznačena.
- Copyright © Wulf Alex, Karlsruhe, 1994, 1999–2011
- Foto: © Radim Sochorek
- Stav: 01.01.2008
U Ultra-, Uniform, Universal, Unix, User UA Unnumbered Acknowledgement (frame) UA User Area/Agent (OSI) UA Upgrade Advantage UAA Universally Administered Address UAAC University Academic Advising Center, USA UAC Unbalanced Asynchronous Class UAC User Account Control UAE Universelle Anschlusseinrichtung UAE Unrecoverable Application Error UAF User Authorization File UAM User Authentication Method/Module UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter UAWG Universal ADSL Working Group UBB Unified Back Buffer UBC Unified Buffer Cache UBC University of British Columbia UBE Unsolicited Bulk Electronic Mail UBR Unspecified/Undefined Bit Rate UC Ubiquitous Computing UC Universal Code UC Upper Case UCAID University Corporation for Advanced Internet Development UCAR University Corporation for Atmospheric Research UCB University of California at Berkeley, USA UCD Uniform Call Distributor UCD Univention Corporate Desktop UCE Unsolicited Commercial Electronic Mail UCF Unregister Confirmation UCFS Unix Connectivity File Service UCI Universal Chess Interface UCIR User Controlled Interactive Retrieval UCITA Uniform Computer Information Transaction Act UCL Universal Communications Language UCL University College London UCLA University of California at Los Angeles, USA UCO Unstructured Complex Object UCR Undercolor Removal UCS Uniform Chromaticity Scale UCS Univention Corporate Server UCS Universal Card Slot UCS Universal Character Set (ISO 10646) UCSB University of California at Santa Barbara, USA UCSC University of California at Santa Cruz, USA UCSD University of California at San Diego, USA UCSF University of California at San Francisco, USA UDB Universal Database UDC User Defined Command UDDI Universal Description, Discovery and Integration UDF Uniqueness Database File UDF Universal Disk Format UDF User Defined Function UDI Unified Display/Driver Interface UDI Universal Document Identifier UDI Unrestricted Digital Information UDK Universale Dezimalklassifikation UDLC Universal Data Link Control UDLI Unified Design Language for Integrated Circuits, UDL/I UDM Unternehmensdatenmodell UDMA Ultra Direct Memory Access UDO Ultra Density Optical (storage, disc) UDP Usenet Death Penalty (Slang) UDP User Datagram Protocol (Internet) UDP User Defined Protocol UDRP Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy UDSL Unidirectional/Universal Digital Subscriber Line UDSV Teledienst-Unternehmen-Datenschutz-Verordnung UDT User Defined Datatype UE Unterhaltungs-Elektronik UEB übertragungseinheit mit Basisbandverfahren UEC User Environment Component UEG übertragungseinheit nach ITU G.703 UEI übertragungseinheit nach ITU I.430 UEM übertragungseinheit mit Modemverfahren UEM Universal Energy Management UEP übergabepunkt UEP Unequal Error Protection UEV User End of Volume UFS Ultra Fast Switching UFS Universal/UNIX File System UG User Group, Underrun Goal UGL Universal Glyph List UGS Univention Groupware Server UHC Unified Hangul Code UHCI Universal Host Controller Interface UHD User Help Desk UHF Ultrahigh Frequency (300 MHz–3 GHz) UHG Ultrahigh Gain (Antenna) UHL User Header Label UHN Unique Home Node UI UNIX International UI Unnumbered Information (frame) UI User Interface UIAP UNIX International Asia/Pacific UIC User Identification Code UIC User Interface Classes UID Unique/Unix/User Identifier UIDL Unique Identifier Listing UIFRAME Unnumbered Information Frame UIL User Interface Language UIM User Interface Management UIML User Interface Markup Language UIMS User Interface Management System UIO Userspace Input Output UIPI User Interface Privilege Isolation UIS User Interface Specification UIT Union Internationale des Telecommunications UKW Ultrakurzwelle UL Underwriters' Laboratory, Inc. UL Upload UL Urban Legend (Slang) ULA Uncommitted Logic Array ULA Unique Local Address ULD Unabhängiges Landeszentrum für Datenschutz, Kiel UIN Unbreakable Linux Network UIN Unique Identification Number UIN Universal Internet Number ULN Universal Link Negotiation ULP Unit in the Last Place ULP Upper Layer Protocol ULSI Ultra Large Scale Integration ULSN Ultra Low Speed Networking ULV Ultra Low Voltage UM Unified Messaging UMA Unified/Uniform Memory Access/Architecture UMA Universal Management Architecture UMA Unlicensed Mobile Access UMA Upper Memory Area UMAC Universal Hashing Message Authentication Code UMB Upper Memory Block UMD Universal Media Disc (Sony) UMI User MAN Interface UMIT University of Manchester Institute of Technology, UK UMIT Utilities, Municipalities, and Independent Telcos UML Unified Modeling Language UML User Mode Linux UMM Unidirectional Multipoint to Multipoint UMM Unix Macro Magician UMPC Ultra Mobile Personal Computer UMS Unified Messaging System UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System UN Unbalanced Normal UN United Nations UNA Upstream Neighbour Address UNC Unbalanced Normal Class UNC Uncorrectable (error) UNC Unique/Universal Naming Convention UNC University of North Carolina, USA UNDI Universal Network Device Interface UNGTDI UN Guidelines for Trade Data Interchange UNI User Network Interface UNICOM Universal Integrated Communication System UNICORE Uniform Interface to Computing Resources UNICOS UNIX-based Cray Operating System UNII Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure UNIVAC Universal Automatic Computer UNIX (kein Akronym, not an acronym) UNMA Unified Network Management Architecture UNO Universal Network Objects UNSW University of New South Wales, Australia UP Unambiguous nondeterministic Polynomial time UP Unnumbered Poll UP User Plane UPA Ultra Port Architecture (Sun) UPA Usability Professionals Association UPC Universal Printer Controller UPC Universal Product Code UPC Usage/User Parameter Control UPE User Portability Extension UPGS Unfinished Project Guilt Syndrome UPI United Press International UPI Universal Peripheral Interface UPI Upper Prediction Interval UPL User Program Language UPM Unidirectional Point to Multipoint UPM User Profile Management (IBM) UPN Umgekehrte Polnische Notation, RPN UPNP Universal Plug and Play UPP Unidirectional Point to Point UPPS Universal Portable Protocol Stack UPS Uninterruptable Power Supply, USV UPT Universal Personal Telecommunication (service) URA Uniform Resource Agent URC Uniform Resource Characterictics/Citation URD URL Rendezvous Directory URI Uniform/Universal Resource Identifier URJ Unregister Reject URL Universal/Uniform Resource Locator (Internet) URM Unbegrenzte Registermaschine URM Universal Retention Module URN Uniform Resource Name/Number URQ Unregister Request URSI Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale US Unit Separator USAN University Satellite Network USART Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter USB Universal Serial Bus USB Upper Side Band USC University of Southern California USDC US Display Consortium USF Uplink State Flag USG UNIX Support/System Group (Novell) USIA US Information Agency USIM Universal Subscriber Identification/Identity Module USK Unterhaltungssoftwareselbstkontrolle USKA Union Schweizer Kurzwellenamateure USL UNIX System Laboratories (AT+T, Novell) USLE UNIX System Laboratories Europe USM User-based Security Model USN Update Sequence Number USO UNIX Software Operation USOC Uniform Service Order Code USRP Universal Software Radio Peripheral USRT Universal Synchronous Receiver Transmitter USSA Universal Storage System Architecture USTA US Telephone Association USV Unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung, UPS USW Ultra Short Wave UT Universal Terminal/Time UTC Unicode Technical Committee UTC Universal Time Coordinated UTF Unicode Transformation Format (UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32) UTI Universal Text Interchange UTL User Trailer Label UTLB Unified TLB UTMA Ultra Thin Client Multiple Access UTNET University of Texas Network UTP Universal Personal Telephone Service UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair UTRAN UMTS Radio Access Network UTSL Use The Source, Luke (Slang) UUCP UNIX to UNIX Copy Program/Protokoll UUID Unique Universal Identifier (DCE) UUID Universally Unique Identifier UULP Unified User Level Protocol UUS User to User Signalling UUU Unknown UNIX User (J. Random Hacker?) UV Ultraviolett UVL User Volume Label UWB Ultra Wide Band UWG Gesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb UWM Universal Window Manager UXGA Ultra Extended Graphics Array